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Manitoba Lego Donation, 2022 Edition


Hi All!

Much to my amazement and enjoyment, I was asked again to participate in Creations for Charity in 2022. What is even better is Nannan let us keep the money the Manitoba LEGO Users Group raised for CfC to add to our donation this year. With creative purchasing and a donation from the MBLUG plus my wife's willingness to donate money that would have been LEGO for me under the tree; we were able to stretch every $1 we received from CfC into $1.52 worth of LEGO

After contacting a few local libraries about their STEM and LEGO clubs, we decided that they would be our primary focus this year due to their impact on kids. These programs are at no charge and operate solely by donations received from members of the community. All were shocked at the donations they received and were greatly appreciative that there were adults out there who wanted to share their love of LEGO with others in such a creative way. We were told about how one library group had 2 Duplo sets that they shared between 5 libraries. Also, they told us how one group had 2 swords which were always taken by the one of the first participants to arrive and how tires were always in great need. I raided my own collection to solve this problem because creativity should not have such limits. Libraries who we supported this year were Altona, Winkler, Morden, Miami; which make up the members of the South Central Regional Library as well as the Boyne Regional Library in Carman.

Boyne Library in Carman 01 of 02

Boyne Library in Carman 02 of 02

South Central Regional Library, Winkler Branch 01 of 02

South Central Regional Library, Winkler Branch 02 of 02

We have a member that lovingly coordinates our group donation to the Manitoba Children's Hospital which was also included in our donation again this year.

Last but not least was a donation made to Pembina Valley Pride to give them some LEGO for their community games night that they host in multiple communities in the Pembina Valley.

It has been a pleasure to be involved again this year and we appreciate everything that Creations for Charity does that allows us to give back to the communities we live in.

With much love, appreciation and gratitude;

Chris and Melinda Abrams


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